How to Setup IKEV2 VPN on iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

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How to Setup IKEV2 VPN on iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch


1. Run "Settings"->"General"->"Network".


How to Setup IKEV2 VPN on iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch


2. Choose "VPN" and tap "Add VPN Configuration".



5. At the top, tap "IPSec". Type a descriptive name identifying the connection: widevpn for "Description".

At "Server", type (check at member center)

Type  server  example“” as “Remote ID”.

At "Account", type your VPN UserID  

For Password, type your VPN password  


6. Press "Save" the the top-right corner.


Finished! Each time you want to turn on your VPN connection, go to "Settings", and choose a VPN configuration and then Turn VPN ON.

