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Multilogin or VM: Which One Is Right for You

Residential proxies have become a popular solution to safeguard one's identity and keep privacy in the realm of internet security and anonymity. There are two main ways to use residential proxies: multilogin and virtual machines (VM). In this blog post, we will evaluate the features and benefits of Multilogin and VM to see which is superior.


Multilogin is browser fingerprinting software that allows users to create numerous user profiles, each with their own set of browser settings, and rapidly switch between them. This functionality is especially beneficial for internet marketers, web developers, and academics who must maintain several accounts across multiple domains.

Multilogin offers a diverse set of browser configurations, making it harder for websites to detect and prohibit proxy use. Multilogin also allows users to utilize their own home proxies or buy them from the Multilogin marketplace.

Protecting Your Privacy: A Comparison of Multilogin and VM


Virtual machines (VMs) are software emulation of computer systems that enable users to run various operating systems on a single physical machine. Virtual machines (VMs) are commonly used for software testing, app development, and executing complicated systems on a single device.

Protecting Your Privacy: A Comparison of Multilogin and VM

By isolating the user's online behavior from the host machine, VMs give a high level of privacy and security. This means that any malware or viruses on the host PC will have no effect on the VM.

Here is a comparison of the two browsers:

PriceStarts at $19/monthStarts at $29/month
Number of browser profilesUnlimited100
Number of sub-accountsUnlimited10
Geo-location spoofingYesYes
Browser fingerprint spoofingYesYes
Ad blockingYesYes
Cookie managementYesYes
Team managementYesYes
Free trialYesYes

As you can see, the two browsers are very similar in terms of features. However, there are a few key differences. Multilogin is more expensive than VM, but it offers unlimited browser profiles and sub-accounts. VM is less expensive, but it has a limit of 100 browser profiles and 10 sub-accounts.

Comparison of Residential Proxies:

Residential proxies are required for both Multilogin and VM to function effectively. Residential proxies are IP addresses linked to actual residences and internet service providers, making them less likely to be detected and blocked by websites.

Users of Multilogin can use their own home proxies or purchase them from the Multilogin marketplace. The marketplace offers a wide variety of proxy alternatives at various rates, making it simple for customers to pick the best proxy for their needs.

Residential proxies are also required for VMs, but users normally obtain these from a third-party supplier. This may be more costly and inconvenient than utilizing Multilogin.

Multilogin and virtual machines both give a high level of privacy and security for online activity. Multilogin is ideal for online marketers, web developers, and researchers that need to handle many accounts across multiple domains. Virtual machines are preferable for individuals who need to run numerous operating systems on a single physical machine.

Multilogin is a more convenient and cost-effective choice for residential proxies than VMs. But, before selecting the best solution for them, customers should examine their individual wants and preferences.

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The Battle for Online Security: Multilogin vs. VM

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